Deliver Turnkey Safety Programs To Kids In Your Community.


Offer popular safety programs that help children stay safe at home and in the community.

If you love working with kids and you’re entrepreneurial this is an untapped market just waiting for you.

A partnership with us involves a low upfront costs with quick returns on your investment.


A comprehensive safety program that prepares children aged 9 – 12 to be on their own at home or elsewhere for short periods of time. In addition to traditional content of a home alone course, this course also includes internet safety, street smarts, people safety both online and offline, first aid & injury prevention, fire safety and a step-by-step home alone readiness plan for parents and children.

My Safe Life – Personal Safety For Kids

Designed to give children 7 – 10 years old the tools and life skills they need to make safe and confident choices at home, school, online and during activities. Children learn practical strategies to identify and deal with tricky people, safe strangers, bullying as well as how to get help from busy adults and building strong communities. Other topics covered are internet safety, travel safety, fire safety, emergencies and non-emergencies, and preventing injuries throughout their lives.

Created to help youth and adults with developmental disabilities feel safe in all their usual places: home, work, school, online and in the community. Through games, digital media, video and colorful graphics, this comprehensive 8-10 hour safety program empowers people with tools to make confident choices and live a safe life.

See what our customers have to say about SOS 4 KIDS

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”14″ font_font=”Montserrat” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23abadb0″ bottom_padding=”10″]SOS has been using our facility for several years now for both first aid and home alone and babysitting courses. They truly are one of our favourite clients. It is so very easy to recommend them to anyone I know! I have personally seen how they communicate with both adults and children, and it is always pleasant and professional. You can tell that the teachers are not just doing this for a job, but they really care! I often walk by the rooms while they are teaching the children and am impressed with the teaching and with how well the children listen and respond. I have also seen how they meet with the parents after the class is over and show them what their child has learned. The curriculum they use is fabulous and I wish something like this was around when my children were young! There is no question I would have signed them up![/text_block]

Sr. Events and Rentals Coordinator, The Meeting House

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”14″ font_font=”Montserrat” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23abadb0″ bottom_padding=”10″]Over the past couple of years, The Oakville Club has offered the Home Alone and Babysitting Course to our Members children and their friends. SOS 4 Kids is a fantastic organization to work with. The instructors work very well with young children and are able to explain situations to them in a way they understand. Kids come out of these sessions surprised at what they learned and feeling more confident to stay home or to babysit. We will continue to offer these programs and work with SOS 4 Kids as we feel this is important information that all kids must have and be aware of.[/text_block]

Clubhouse Manager, The Oakville Club

If you’re interested in our partnership opportunities then contact us now!
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