5 Things A Babysitter Should Know Before Babysitting

Being a babysitter can be a fun and educational experience. It should go without saying, however, that taking care of little ones is an extremely important responsibility. While it’s always good to entertain kids, ensuring their safety and well-being is a top priority. This is why, as a babysitter, it is vital to have all necessary information before taking care of children.

Here are five things a babysitter should know before babysitting:

1. Emergency contacts.

Yes, you are in charge of the children when their moms and dads are out. However, it’s absolutely vital to know how to get in touch with parents while you’re babysitting. It is also important to know who else to contact in case of an emergency. You should have the phone numbers of the parents as well as nearby relatives and trusted neighbours. As well, contact information for the children’s health care providers should be on hand.

2. Allergies and medical conditions.

A good babysitter has intimate knowledge of their care recipients’ medical conditions. This is especially important when feeding the kids. Do they have any allergies? If any, which medications do they take and where in the home are they located? In some cases, a babysitter may have to administer medication to a child. Do you know how to do so? Be sure to get all of the facts about the medical issues had by the kids you’re taking care of.

3. Daily routines.

As you know, your job is to provide care to children in the absence of their parents. However, their parents still set the rules. A good babysitter knows how to keep kids following their set routines. Do you know their daily schedule? When do they eat? At what time should they go down for a nap? When is bedtime? As well, it’s important to learn of a child’s regular activities. Are you responsible for taking them to their dance or piano lessons? Get a good handle on the daily routines of your care recipients to keep them on track.

4. Discipline preferences.

As a babysitter, you are likely inclined to be a “friend” to the children in your care. But, as you know, kids can sometimes be a handful. What are the guidelines set out by the parents on how to handle discipline? What is considered acceptable behaviour in the household? How do you address the children when they misbehave?

Have a conversation with the parents before you start any babysitting job. After all, it’s only fair for you to offer your views on what you consider acceptable and unacceptable while the kids are with you. Remember, of course, that the parents have the final say.

5. House rules.

How long are the kids permitted to sit in front of a screen? What types of snacks are acceptable and which ones are off limits? Are there any areas of the house where the kids are not allowed? Inquire with the parents about all of the house rules so the children don’t attempt to “get away” with activities that wouldn’t be acceptable if Mom and Dad were home.

What else should you know before babysitting?

Get in touch with SOS 4 Kids! We offer a Babysitter’s Course for children aged 11 to 15. It teaches how to supervise young children in a safe and responsible manner. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-844-373-1024, email us at [email protected] or fill out the form on our Contact page!